Crosscanonby St John's Baby and Toddler Group

Crosscanonby St John's Toddler and Baby Group is a welcoming and relaxed environment for ages 0-4 years.

With a range of themed activities, toys and messy play suitable for all ages to enjoy while making new friends. A snack is provided for all children with juice/water and for adults a hot drink with biscuits.

The group is held every Wednesday 13.30-15.00pm at Crosscanonby St John's C Of E Primary School in the hall, Term time only. We ask for £2 per child, £1 per siblings.

Recent themes have included: nursery rhymes, rainbows, a teddy bear's picnic, the Lunar New Year, World Book Day and British Science Week!

Activities include: playing in the Gruffalo's cave, fishing for tiddlers, making porridge for Goldilocks and being 'Mini Einsteins'!

Everyone is welcome!


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