Our Weekly Blog!
In phonics this week we have been consolidating our knowledge so far ,making sure that we are
confident to say all the sounds learnt so far and we can point to them if the sound is heard. We have played lots of games to help us with this and have practised our first set of tricky words.
We have continued to practise our blending to read and have been segmenting the sounds in words in order to write a word.
We have spent time trying to get our formation of letters correct and will be practising this every morning.
Nursery have continued to identify initial sounds in words and have been copying rhythms .They are working hard at building sentences verbally – who/what doing/where.
Our Communication and language and our art activities have been based around a bonfire night theme and an Autumn theme. We have explored the children’s own experiences of bonfire night and fireworks and have written descriptive words about fireworks. We have talked about the weather and how we begin to wear hats,gloves etc and labelled them.
Pumpkins were used up to make pumpkin flapjack.
In maths this week we have continued to engage with activities to find out how many altogether.We have reinforced their understanding that the last number they count tells us how many. They have practised one to one correspondence by touching ,moving or tagging objects.
A key focus has been deepening their understanding of five ,the patterns it can make and how it can be made up.
We have talked about differences in people and discussed how some people are good at one activity and other’s might be good at something else because we are not the same.
Follow this link to see more of our activities this week.
Reception have worked so hard in phonics that we have learnt our first set of sounds. Blending practise using these sounds continues and individual assessments have begun to take place.
Alongside this we are practising segmenting words into their individual phonemes and practising writing the letters.
The tricky words we are practising to read are ; I, no, go, the, to.
Nursery have continued to listen to environmental sounds , to use the language big and small related to the story of Goldilocks and the three bears and have started learning vocabulary related to our homes. We have also been practising our counting skills.
We have begun to use The Way Back Home as our language focus and have tried some labelling . We are practising speaking in sentences .
In Maths we have continued to subitise numbers up to 4 and have worked out all the different arrangements we can make. Some children were able to use mathematical language to say that 2 and 2 more makes 4.
We are also working on our recognition and naming of 2D shapes.
Continuing our theme of homes we have looked at the homes of people in the Amazon rain forest, what they are made of and how the village is arranged.
This week we have spent some time in PSHE talking about all the positive uses our hands have all the things we can do with them. Answers ranged from stroking my dog to riding a bike.Then we talked about using kind hands with our friends.
We continue to look at our value of thankfulness and are focusing on being grateful for our food.
Reception have worked so hard in phonics that we have learnt our first set of sounds. Blending practise using these sounds continues and individual assessments have begun to take place.
Alongside this we are practising segmenting words into their individual phonemes and practising writing the letters.
The tricky words we are practising to read are ; I, no, go, the, to.
Nursery have continued to listen to environmental sounds , to use the language big and small related to the story of Goldilocks and the three bears and have started learning vocabulary related to our homes. We have also been practising our counting skills.
We have begun to use The Way Back Home as our language focus and have tried some labelling . We are practising speaking in sentences .
In Maths we have continued to subitise numbers up to 4 and have worked out all the different arrangements we can make. Some children were able to use mathematical language to say that 2 and 2 more makes 4.
We are also working on our recognition and naming of 2D shapes.
Continuing our theme of homes we have looked at the homes of people in the Amazon rain forest, what they are made of and how the village is arranged.
This week we have spent some time in PSHE talking about all the positive uses our hands have all the things we can do with them. Answers ranged from stroking my dog to riding a bike.Then we talked about using kind hands with our friends.
We continue to look at our value of thankfulness and are focusing on being grateful for our food.
Class Blog 11.10.24
This week has been busy as we are really getting settled into our learning.
In phonics we are all working really hard. We have learnt f, l b, ff and are all trying hard to blend them into words. We are listening for the sounds in words and beginning to write them into words – a bit tricky for the majority.
The tricky words we are practising are ; I, no, go, the, to. It was lovely to see so many parents attend our phonics meeting this week to learn about all things phonics. Please ask if there is anything you are unsure of.
Nursery have continued to work on their vocabulary and have been talking about all things to do with clothes.
In literacy we have read the owl babies and this led to lots of talk about feelings and we ventured into non fiction to find out about owls and what they like to eat.
Maths – This week the children have explored the composition of the numbers 3 and 4,for example seeing that 3 can be composed of 3 ones or 2 and 1. They are learning from practical experience that a whole is made up of smaller parts. When the children are able to compose and decompose numbers mentally they will be able to use these effectively when calculating in KS1 and KS2.
They have practised subitising to identify 3 and 4 and have found out that there can be different arrangements and the objects can vary in size.
We have been busy producing art work for the harvest assembly and practising our song.
In PSHE we have talked about sharing and resolving conflict with the help of our puppets and in RE are looking at the names Christians give to God and the names that Muslims have for their God.
As we have been putting our wet suits and wellies on this week I have been very impressed with the way children are independently managing their trousers and shoes . Well done everyone.
Follow this link to see more of our activities this week. https://www.crosscanonby.cumbria.sch.uk/photo-galleries
Phonics – We have now learnt the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n, m ,o, d, g, c, k, ck, e ,r, u ,h ,b, f and are doing We are practising blending these sounds into words and we are trying to segment the sounds in words in order to write words. Children are beginning to be able to attempt to write words and get some sounds correct. This week we introduced three more tricky words no, go, I to add to the two tricky words the and to these words cannot be sounded out and need to be learnt by sight. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible for our phonics meeting on Tuesday 8th October to explain our approach and to play some games with the children.
Maths - In maths we have been concentrating on counting accurately making sure we count each object and sound only once and don’t miss any and knowing that the last number is how many. We have practised recording counts by making marks or own representations.
We have also been looking at balance scales and the vocabulary heavier and lighter and estimating which is heavier or lighter. We also weighed objects by counting the number of bricks it took to balance them.
English - We are reading the story owl babies and have talked about their home and their family and tried to write some names. We have learnt some vocabulary related to birds and described the mother bird.
RE – The children have found out that the Christian God has many names and that our names are written on his hands. We talked about who is special to us and wrote them on an outline of our hands.
The puppet assembly was a huge hit with a theme of kindness – see the photo’s on the website.
Follow this link to see more of our activities this week. https://www.crosscanonby.cumbria.sch.uk/photo-galleries
We are discovering what an architect does and are having a go at designing our own buildings. I have also challenged them to use the blocks to follow a model.
Phonics – We have now learnt the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n, m ,o, d, g, c, k, ck, e and u .We are practising blending these sounds into words and we are trying to segment the sounds in words in order to write words. This week we introduced two tricky words the and to these words cannot be sounded out and need to be learnt by sight. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible for our phonics meeting on Tuesday 8th October to explain our approach and to play some games with the children.
We have introduced the mastering number programme and have practised subitising with small numbers. Subitising is seeing how many without needing to count. This helps their maths fluency. We are also working on number recognition.
On Monday Farmer Ed and Farmer Alice brought two calves to school and the children had the chance to get close and even to feed them. They really enjoyed seeing them and being able to stroke them.
On Tuesday we experienced a bus trip to Maryport and went on the train to Whitehaven checking out what we could see on the way. Behaviour was excellent and everyone enjoyed it.
The children have been making trains and playing at being the driver and conductor, handing over tickets to get on.
We are still talking about naming and identifying our feelings and how to manage them.
We looked at pictures of children and wondered why they might be feeling that way.
PE This week we worked in small groups practising different skills and games.
Check out the photo’s on our website.
Early Years Class blog 19.9.24
Phonics is continuing and the children in reception have now learnt the sounds m, i, d, g and are trying hard to blending them into words whilst still practising their oral blending and segmenting skills. Everyone is working hard at writing these single letter sounds down correctly. They are doing so well I will be sending words home for the children to practise blending with you. They have to say the sounds and then blend them into words. If you’re not sure please ask.
We have continued to focus on the book train ride and have been talking about what we see in the pictures. We are working on saying longer sentences.
We spent some time looking at maps of the village and talking about the facilities Crosby has. We found the school, park, community centre, and The Stag.
We are thinking about our emotions, starting with naming them and identifying how we feel in different situations.
We continue to look at similarities and differences and have done some simple graph work on the computer and have studied our own fingerprints.
We have continued talking about our homes and you will have seen some photographs of some lovely models. Some children knew the number on their door.
In maths we have completed activities to practise the vocabulary longer, shorter, big, small, heavier, lighter and are beginning to look at repeating patterns. We have drawn around our hands and feet to compare sizes.