Our Weekly Blog!
Week commencing 11/11/24
In Phonics, Miss Fyfe's class have been learning 'au' and 'aw' which makes an /or/ sound and Miss Libby's group have been learning about 'dge' and 'ge' which makes an /j/ sound.
In English, Butterfly Class have continued our work on 'Where the Poppies Now Grown'. The children have written some fantastic setting descriptions and questions to ask the characters. The childrens' English work is really coming on now, we're very impressed with the difference between now and the start of term.
In Maths, we have continued our topic of place value within 100 and have been focusing on number lines and hundred squares. The children have also been doing some revision of previous topics and have done some focus work on number bonds.
We have also been learning about the impact Florence Nightingale and Mother Teresa had on our world, different kinds and shades of colour, and we have started a new handwriting book which is helping the children a lot.
During choosing time we have been playing Kerplunk and Snakes and Ladders, making up imaginary games and drawing pictures for each other.
Unfortunately our board hasn't been working this week so there was no tidy up song, but we did learn a very silly song about penguins which I'm sure your children would love to share with you. Luckily our board was fixed on Friday afternoon so normal service will resume next week.
On Friday, there was great excitement with Pudsey Bear Day. The children brought their teddies in and we had a very big Show and Tell. We also helped plant lots of sapling in the school field, which helped us revise what we had learned in science about worms!