Our Weekly Blog!

Week commencing: 10.2.25


In Phonics this week, Miss Fyfe's group have been revising sounds learned over the course of this half term. Miss Libby's group have been learning of to add '-er' and '-est' on the end of words. Mrs Mogford's group have been learning 'ear' and 'air'.


In Maths, Butterfly Class have been continuing our topic on addition and subtraction, learning how to do two-digit addition and subtraction. The children have done really well with this tricky topic, even when they have to exchange!

In our afternoon Mastering Number sessions we have been looking at the composition of 7 and teen numbers.


In English, we have finished our topic on 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'. The children wrote their own version of the story, with a beginning, middle and end. They then edited their work and read their stories to the class. It was amazing to see how far they've come since the beginning of the year.


We have also been learning about what a digital footprint is, creating abstract art to show the emotions of Joseph from the Bible, and using our knowledge of materials to invent a contraption to fix a leak in a roof.


In PSHE this week, the children were really challenged as they had to design and make an imaginary bird as a team. The children had to learn how to communicate their ideas and work together. They had to think about making sure everyone was included and figure out how to solve conflicts and differing ideas within their team. It was incredibly difficult - a skill most adults find hard -  and I was very impressed with how much every child tried. There were some brilliant examples of problem solving, kindness and good communication, and despite it's difficulties, the children still enjoyed the process.


In choosing time, we have been learning how to play a Kenyan playground game called Ti Ti Rounda, making beds and chinese dragons out of paper, and learning how to play dominoes.


On Friday was had a special treat as a parent brought his ice cream van into school and all the children (and teachers) had a free ice cream! It was a lovely way to end a brilliant half term.

Have a lovely week off and a well-earned rest!




Week commencing: 27.1.25


In Phonics this week, Miss Fyfe's group have been learning 'ie' making an /ee/ sound. Miss Libby's group have been learning 'wr' making an /r/ sound. Mrs Mogford's group have been learning 'or' and 'ur'.


In Maths, Butterfly Class have been continuing our topic on addition and subtraction, looking at how we can use our knowledge of bonds within 10 to make addition and subtraction easier to work out. In our afternoon Mastering Number sessions we have been looking at bonds to 10 and the composition of 9.


In English, we are continuing to look at 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'. We have been learning how to write expanded noun phrases and similes to make our descriptions really effective.


We have also been learning about the story of Joseph in the Old Testament, learning how to sew, and have conducted an experiment on the properties of different materials.


In choosing time, we have been playing teachers, designing new ways to make paper aeroplanes, and challenging each other to complete our geography puzzles in under three minutes.


We also had lots of fun on Wednesday, learning about Chinese New Year. We learned about the traditions and how it is celebrated, we learned about the story behind the Chinese zodiac, we did a dragon dance in PE, we made paper dragons and we learned how to use chopsticks. The children were really challenged when Miss Fyfe put some sweets in front of them and said they were only allowed to eat them if they used their chopsticks. This prompted some very creative ways for using chopsticks!

Pictures will be uploaded shortly.




Week commencing: 13.1.25


In Phonics, Miss Fyfe's group have been learning 'ea' making a /e/ sound and revising some of last term's phonemes. Miss Libby's group have been learning how to add '-ing' to words ending in 'y'.


In Maths, Butterfly Class have finished our topic on shape that we started at the end of last term. We have been learning how to label 3D shapes and group and make patterns out of 2D and 3D shapes. In our afternoon Mastering Number sessions, we have been looking at number bonds to 8, and Year 2 have also been revising number bonds to 7.


In English, we have started a new book called 'Lila and the Secret of Rain' by David Conway and Jude Daly. We have been making predictions and answering questions about the story, we created a word cloud to describe the story and we have been thinking of ways to describe our main character.


We have also been learning about using embracing challenge, the temperature difference between Kenya and England, and how to send emails.


In choosing time we have been building things with Lego, playing teachers, and making tents out of card and paper.





Week commencing: 6.1.25


In Phonics, Miss Fyfe's group have been learning 'ph' making a /f/ sound and revising some of last term's phonemes. Miss Libby's group have been learning how to add '-ing' to words ending in 'y'.


In Maths, Butterfly Class have continued the work on shape that we started at the end of last term. We have been learning about lines of symmetry, naming 3D shapes, counting the faces of 3D shapes, and making patterns.


In English, we wrote thank you letters for the wonderful presents we received at Christmas. We have also been doing a bit of a grammar focus this week, learning about nouns, the present progressive tense, and the past progressive tense.


We have also been learning about using filters and search bars safely, locating Kenya on different types of map, and we have been drawing and labelling different types of puppet.


In choosing time we have been making patterns on peg boards, completing map jigsaws, and spotting things with our new binoculars.


It is so lovely to have everyone back and to see the children playing and learning together once more.