Information for the Easter holidays - Cumbria's Holiday Activity and Food Programme - HAF

23 March 2025

Image of Information for the Easter holidays - Cumbria's Holiday Activity and Food Programme - HAF

Booking is now open for Cumberland’s Easter Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  There are over 4000 places available across 56 offers delivered by 39 organisations.   Activities include Football, Swimming, Martial Arts, Multi-Sport Camps, Arts & Drama, Animal Care, Cycling, Climbing, Horse Riding and HAF - Holiday Activities and Food Programmes - at the Hub events. 

To find out what activities are taking place this, please visit Holiday activities and food (HAF) programme | Cumberland Family Hubs where you can access the activity database.  The best way to find out what is happening near to you is to use the search criteria which includes:

  • Dates
  • Ages
  • Location
  • SEN appropriate activities
  • Paid Places

Or you can drop a pin on the map and search within an area, just enter in the box how far you can travel. 

Children eligible for HAF will take priority for bookings. These include:

  • A child with a free school meal entitlement
  • A child who is classed as SEND or who has an EHCP & has a free school meal entitlement

Other children who will also be considered as priority are: 

  • a child who is classed as SEND or who has an EHCP but is not on free school meals – up to the age of 18
  • cared for or care experienced child or young person
  • young carers
  • child or young person on Resettlement Schemes
  • child or young person seeking asylum
  • young person who is not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
  • a family with another need
  • child or young person who is classed as SEND or on a EHCP but not on free school meals up to the age of 18

To find out your HAF code, contact the HAF team with you child's name and date of birth.
