Our Weekly Update from Mrs Bowe...

18 October 2024

Image of Our Weekly Update from Mrs Bowe...

Good afternoon,

I am very excited to share with you that I have received the first draft of our school film, from Joshua – the videographer. It is fantastic! I cannot wait to share the final version with both the children and parents!

Children will be bringing home a letter about parents’ evenings which are being held in the first week back after half term. Slips should be filled in and returned to school to arrange meetings with class teachers.

We have a busy final week of the half term coming up in school…

*Monday – Family and Individual Photographs in school from 8:30am

*Monday - Y3/4 - PE kit for tennis

* Monday - Crosscanonby Baby and Toddler Group in the school hall - 1:30pm-3:00pm

*Tuesday - Dance/Ballet After-School Club

*Wednesday - Whole school - PE with Andy (PE kit needed)

*Wednesday - Multi-Skills After-School Club

*Thursday – ‘Harvest Festival’ – 9:00am in our school hall – EVERYONE WELCOME!

*Thursday – NO BINGO CLUB

*Thursday – Hallowe’en Party – 4:30pm-6pm: £3 entry which includes a hot dog and a drink.

*Friday – School closes at 3:15pm for half-term

Our Class Blogs will be updated by the end of today, giving you a more detailed insight into your child's week at school.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Bowe