We are a 'GOOD' school!

4 June 2024

Image of We are a 'GOOD' school!

I am delighted to share with you the outcome of our recent OFSTED inspection – Crosscanonby St John’s CE School is a ‘GOOD’ school in all areas!

Some notable points from our inspection report include:

“Pupils make a strong contribution to the calm environment that exists at this school.”

“They are polite, well-mannered and happy.”

“They [the children] respond to the high aspirations that the school has for their achievement and conduct.”

“The school ensures that pupils show care and consideration towards others and make a positive contribution to their community. They become confident and independent young people.”

“The school has created an ambitious curriculum. It has set out carefully the important information that pupils should learn.”

“In the early years, children receive the support that they need to make a strong start to their education.”

“[Pupils with SEND] receive the help that they need to access the full curriculum alongside their


“Pupils are highly motivated to learn.”

“They [pupils] behave sensibly and work extremely well together during lessons.”

“Pupils respect each other’s views and opinions.”

“The school ensures that pupils benefit from experiences that make a considerable contribution to their personal development.”

“Pupils value the many differences that exist between people.”

I am so proud and grateful for our children, the staff, the governors and our whole school community – all of whom have played a huge role in our recent achievements.

Please use this link to read our full report:


Mrs Kelly Bowe
